Be a Sponsor | Exhibit at Converge

Partners of our software companies are invited to exhibit at or be a sponsor of our CONVERGE user conference. Partners have full access to the attendees, in-person and virtually through the event App – leading up-to and immediately following the event.

Download the Sponsorship Brochure


  • One Full Conference Pass
  • 6' Skirted Table with Two Chairs
  • Electrical Drop to Booth
  • Logo (linked) on Sponsor Page of Event Website
  • Virtual Booth in Event App
  • Linked Logo on Event Website for 3 Months Post-Event
  • Booth Location Mapped in Event App


  • All the Benefits of Silver, Plus!
  • Additional Full Conference Pass (2 Total)
  • Logo in Email to All Customers
  • Presentation with Customer
  • Rotating Banner Ad in Event App
  • Logo on Converge Event Site Home Page
  • Booth Location Selection Priority (Round 2)

Diamond Sponsor

  • All the Benefits of Silver & Gold, Plus!
  • Additional Full Conference Pass (3 Total)
  • Pre- or Post-Event Custom Email to All Attendees
  • Logo (Linked) in Converge Email to All Customers
  • Presentation Session
  • Recognition in Opening Session
  • Booth Location Selection Priority (Round 1)